SUMMARYSeveral reports of tree planters from the Patagonian Andes region of Chubut (Argentina) have pointed out that seedlings of Pinus ponderosa, obligate ectotrophic species, produced in greenhouses with high levels of fertilization without ectomycorrhizal inoculum applications, showed low or null ectomycorrhizal infection at the end of nursery stage but had excellent performance in plantation sites during the first years. This study was planned to evaluate if those seedlings develop mycorrhizal associations once installed in plantations, and if those associations are originated from inoculums acquired in the nursery. Three evaluations were done: 1) analyses of seedlings at the end of nursery period, to evaluate their initial mycorrhizal condition, 2) analyses after 6 month, with seedlings transplanted into pots with semi-sterile substrate, to establish if there exists inoculum in the system that did not express because of the high fertilization levels and, 3) analyses after 24 month, with seedlings planted in a field distant from any source of ectomycorrhizal inoculum, to evaluate the associations developed in the planting site. Results showed that: 1) the studied nursery produced seedlings with null or very low levels of mycorrhization, with low morphotypes' richness; 2) seedlings showed very high mycorrhizal percentages after 6 months (under greenhouse conditions) and after 24 months (in field conditions); 3) different mycorrhizal fungi behave differently under fertilization. The analyzed nursery fortuitously incorporated mycorrhizal inoculum that rapidly colonized seedlings, immediately after fertilization was interrupted. This fact demonstrates that the hypothesis that ponderosa pine seedlings can establish and grow in anectotrophic environments without EM symbioses is false.Key words: inoculum, nursery, mycorrhizas, Patagonia.
RESUMENRepetidos reportes de plantadores de la zona cordillerana del Chubut (Argentina) han señalado que las plántulas de Pinus ponderosa, especie ectotrófica obligada, producidas bajo invernáculo con fertirriego y sin aplicación de inoculantes ectomicorrícicos, que presentaban baja o nula infección ectomicorrícica al terminar la etapa de vivero, mostraron excelentes comportamientos en los sitios de plantación durante los primeros años. Por ello, se planteó este estudio con el objetivo de constatar si las plántulas allí producidas desarrollan asociaciones micorrícicas una vez llevadas a plantación, y si éstas se originan a partir de inóculo adquirido en el vivero. Para ello, se realizaron tres evaluaciones de las plántulas: 1) al salir del vivero de producción acelerada, para constatar el estado micorrícico inicial, 2) después de seis meses de crecimiento luego de un trasplante a macetas con sustrato semi-estéril, para constatar si existía inóculo en el sistema que no se expresaba por el fertirriego, y 3) después de 24 meses luego de implantadas en un predio alejado de cualquier fuente de inóculo ectomicorrícico, para constatar el tipo de asociaciones formadas en el sitio de planta...