• Context
An important feature of forest nursery management is the production of first-rate planting stock, which is closely connected with an adequate development of ectomycorrhizas on seedling roots.
• Aims
The aim of this study was to provide a detailed assessment of the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal diversity of European beech grown in bare-root forest nursery conditions.
• Methods
Morphological and molecular analyzes were used to identify ECM fungi, quantify fungal richness, and record differences in the relative abundance of individual taxa.
• Results
Twenty-seven different mycorrhizal fungal taxa were found in four tested nurseries. Of these 27, only 6 were present in more than one nursery. Taxa richness in individual nurseries ranged from 6 to 13, indicating that ECM colonization potential is nursery-dependent. The most frequent taxa were: Tuber sp. 1, Cadophora sp., Cenococcum geophilum agg., Hebeloma sacchariolens, and Laccaria tortilis. According to the analysis of similarity, ECM fungal communities were significantly different between nurseries (R = 0.7741; p < 0.0001).
• Conclusion
Beech seedlings grown in bare-root nurseries are colonized by a highly diverse suite of ECM fungi; thus, artificial inoculation of seedlings is generally not necessary in nursery practice.