Matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging
(MALDI-MSI) can provide valuable insights into the metabolome of complex
biological systems such as organ tissues and cells. However, obtaining
metabolite data at single-cell spatial resolutions presents a few
technological challenges. Generally, spatial resolution is defined
by the increment the sample stage moves between laser ablation spots.
Stage movements less than the diameter of the focused laser beam (i.e., oversampling) can improve spatial resolution; however,
such oversampling conditions result in a reduction in sensitivity.
To overcome this, we combine an oversampling approach with laser postionization
(MALDI-2), which allows for both higher spatial resolution and improved
analyte ionization efficiencies. This approach provides significant
enhancements to sensitivity for various metabolite classes (e.g., amino acids, purines, carbohydrates etc.), with mass spectral intensities from 6 to 8 μm pixel sizes
(from a laser spot size of ∼13 μm) being commensurate
with or higher than those obtained by conventional MALDI at 20 μm
pixel sizes for many different metabolites. This technique has been
used to map the distribution of metabolites throughout mouse spinal
cord tissue to observe how metabolite localizations change throughout
specific anatomical regions, such as those distributed to the somatosensory
area of the dorsal horn, white matter, gray matter, and ventral horn.
Furthermore, this method is utilized for single-cell metabolomics
of human iPSC-derived astrocytes at 10 μm pixel sizes whereby
many different metabolites, including nucleotides, were detected from
individual cells while providing insight into cellular localizations.