Abstract. The dynamical balance of the Antarctic Circumpolar
Current and its implications on the functioning of the world ocean are not
fully understood and poorly represented in global circulation models. In
this study, the sensitivities of an idealized Southern Ocean (SO) storm
track are explored with a set of eddy-rich numerical simulations. The
classical partition between barotropic and baroclinic modes is sensitive to
current–topography interactions in the mesoscale range 10–100 km, as
comparisons between simulations with rough or smooth bathymetry reveal.
Configurations with a rough bottom have weak barotropic motions, ubiquitous
bottom form stress/pressure torque, no wind-driven gyre in the lee of
topographic ridges, less efficient baroclinic turbulence and, thus, larger
circumpolar transport rates. The difference in circumpolar transport
produced by topographic roughness depends on the strength with which
(external) thermohaline forcings by the rest of the world ocean constrain
the stratification at the northern edge of the SO. The study highlights the
need for a more comprehensive treatment of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
(ACC) interactions with the ocean floor, including realistic fields of
bottom form stress and pressure torque. It also sheds some light on the
behavior of idealized storm tracks recently modeled: (i) the saturation
mechanism, whereby the circumpolar transport does not depend on wind
intensity, is a robust and generic attribute of ACC-like circumpolar flows;
(ii) the adjustment toward saturation can take place over widely different
timescales (from months to years) depending on the possibility (or not) for
barotropic Rossby waves to propagate signals of wind change and
accelerate/decelerate SO wind-driven gyres. The real SO having both gyres
and ACC saturation timescales typical of our “no gyre” simulations may be
in an intermediate regime in which mesoscale topography away from major
ridges provides partial and localized support for bottom form
stress/pressure torque.