We compute, for $t \bar t$ production at the LHC and at the Tevatron, several
charge asymmetries to NLO QCD, including also the electromagnetic and
weak-interaction corrections. We calculate these asymmetries both inclusively
and with additional kinematic cuts and compare our results, where possible,
with recent experimental results and with SM predictions. The $t \bar t$
asymmetries induce also corresponding asymmetries for the charged leptons from
semileptonic top-quark decay. Although these asymmetries are, in the SM,
smaller than the corresponding ones for top quarks, they are expected to be
measurable quite precisely. In fact, measurement of a lepton asymmetry in
$\ell$ + jets events was reported by the D$\emptyset$ and CDF experiments. We
analyze and compute to NLO in the gauge couplings leptonic charge asymmetries
for dileptonic and semileptonic $\ttbar$ events, with and without acceptance
cuts, at the Tevatron and the LHC.Comment: Some references and a note added on comparisons with recent
experimental results. Published in Phys. Rev. D 86, 034026 (2012