We study the original α-Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) system with N = 16, 32, and 64 masses connected by a nonlinear quadratic spring. Our approach is based on resonant wave-wave interaction theory; i.e., we assume that, in the weakly nonlinear regime (the one in which Fermi was originally interested), the large time dynamics is ruled by exact resonances. After a detailed analysis of the α-FPU equation of motion, we find that the first nontrivial resonances correspond to six-wave interactions. Those are precisely the interactions responsible for the thermalization of the energy in the spectrum. We predict that, for small-amplitude random waves, the timescale of such interactions is extremely large and it is of the order of 1/e 8 , where e is the small parameter in the system. The wave-wave interaction theory is not based on any threshold: Equipartition is predicted for arbitrary small nonlinearity. Our results are supported by extensive numerical simulations. A key role in our finding is played by the Umklapp (flipover) resonant interactions, typical of discrete systems. The thermodynamic limit is also briefly discussed.T he Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) chains is a simple mathematical model introduced in the 1950s to study the thermal equipartition in crystals (1). The model consists of N identical masses, each one connected by a nonlinear spring; the elastic force can be expressed as a power series in the spring deformation Δx:where γ; α, and β are elastic, spring-dependent, constants. The α-FPU chain, the system studied herein, corresponds to the case of α ≠ 0 and β = 0. Fermi, Pasta, and Ulam integrated numerically the equation of motion and conjectured that, after many iterations, the system would exhibit a thermalization, i.e., a state in which the influence of the initial modes disappears and the system becomes random, with all modes excited equally (equipartition of energy) on average. Contrary to their expectations, the system exhibited a very complicated quasiperiodic behavior. This phenomenon has been named "FPU recurrence," and this finding has spurred many great mathematical and physical discoveries such as integrability (2) and soliton physics (3). More recently, very long numerical simulations have shown clear evidence of the phenomenon of equipartition (see, for instance, ref. 4 and references therein). However, despite substantial progress on the subject (5-10), to our knowledge no complete understanding of the original problem has been achieved so far, and the numerical results of the original α-FPU system remain largely unexplained from a theoretical point of view. More precisely, the physical mechanism responsible for a first "metastable state" (4) and the observation of equipartition for very large times have not been understood.In this manuscript, we study the FPU problem using an approach based on the nonlinear interaction of weakly nonlinear dispersive waves. Our main assumption is that the irreversible transfer of energy in the spectrum in a weakly nonlinear system is achieved by exact resonant wave-w...