Welcome to the second decade of the twenty-first century.While the President of the European Society of Neuroradiology addresses the future of neuroradiologists in this issue [1], I invite you to look back to 1970 when the first issue of Neuroradiology appeared. Professor Erik Lindgren, one Head of the famous Stockholm School of Neuroradiology, noted on the first pages of our Journal that "Neuroradiology is still such a young speciality that it has not yet been accepted in some countries as an independent discipline" [2]. Lindgren recognized the need for specialized physicians who devoted themselves exclusively to the new field of radiology possessing, "in addition to a good grounding in medicine in general, a satisfactory knowledge of technical aspects, physics, and radiobiology." He further argued that "without doubt, the best result is obtained if both clinician and radiologist, each on the whole working independently of the other, carry their own investigations as far as possible towards a diagnosis" and that "the need for specialization in the field of diagnostic radiology is becoming increasingly evident" [1]. To satisfy the demands for adequate radiological examinations made by new special sections of medicine like neurosurgery and neurology, a separate radiological speciality was required. Lindgren was convinced that the new journal -Neuroradiology -would "undoubtedly promote further progress in this field and will strengthen the standing of neuroradiology" [1].Neuroradiology appeared in April 1970, representing one of the first scientific journals solely devoted to this young medical speciality. Volume 1 consisted of four issues publishing 40 original papers and four editorials. Since 1997, 12 issues per year have been regularly published. In the Journal's second editorial after Lindgren's, Herman Fischgold described the development of neuroradiology from 1922 [3]. Thereafter, D. Gordon Potts addressed the research activities of neuroradiologists [4], and B.G. Ziedses des Plantes described the clinical responsibilities of neuroradiologists as "more than making nice radiographs of neurological lesions" covering "activities before, during and after the x-ray examination" [5]."In 1970, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and endovascular interventions had yet to be introduced into clinical medicine. Twenty-seven of 40 original Neuroradiology articles published in 1970 dealt with the anatomy and pathology of cerebral vessels as well as angiographic techniques. Additionally, Neuroradiology published eight papers on pneumencephalography findings, among them "Roentgendiagnosis of subdural hygroma in infants", featuring encephalography as the primary methodology [6]. Finally, there were two papers applying early scintigraphy and three each on the use of either ultrasound, myelography with pantopaque or conventional radiography.In 1972, R. Djindjian tackled "the future for angiography in Neuroradiology", emphasizing the advantages of femoral catherization and its potential as an effective t...