A picture is worth a thousand words. Many branches of Science have been historically benefited with plots and visual analyses (lately, image processing and deep learning) alongside with traditional number crunching. In Molecular Biophysics, one such problem is the structure validation problem in proteins which stands with a history of plot-tools being effectively serving the complex problem to its complete resolution. Spanning across six decades, validation of protein structures (from experimental to modeled) dates back to the legendary Ramachandran Plot (with its never ending growth and modern-day applications) to the relatively recent innovation of the Complementarity Plot (CP), establishing the dual nature of complementarity as the physical basis of both binding and folding of proteins. Lately, CP has been extended to serve as a trustworthy free energy predictor utilizing supervised learning in the form of a comprehensive web-server (EnCPdock: https://www.scinetmol.in/EnCPdock/) that can be directly used in the design of protein interfaces. The commentary recapitulate the history of structure validation with a special emphasis on plot tools, highlighting key features and important discoveries worth re-visiting.