Before taking up his present post in New Zealand in 1995, he worked in England, Europe, and the Middle East as a teacher, teacher educator, manager, and advisor to ministries of education. He has recently accepted visiting professorships in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, where he has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses and undertaken joint research projects. His most recent books are Language teacher cognition and practice: International case studies, which he co-edited with Anne Burns, and Codeswitching in university English-medium classes: Asian perspectives, co-edited with James McLellan. He is currently co-editing a book of approaches to researching ESOL teachers' reflective practices. Phil BENSON joined Macquarie University as professor of applied Linguistics in 2014 after more than twenty years as an academic in Hong Kong. His background is in TESOL and he has taught English in Japan, Malaysia, the Seychelles, Kuwait, and Algeria. His main research interest is in autonomy and informal language learning beyond the classroom. He is the author of Teaching and researching autonomy in language learning (Pearson, 2011) and has authored many publications and coedited several collections of papers in this area. He has recently compiled (and constantly updates) a bibliography of more than 2,000 items on autonomy in learning. This interest has recently led him into research projects on study abroad, language learning and new digital media, and the roles of popular culture in second language learning. Simon BORG has been involved in the study of language teacher cognition for over 20 years and his book Teacher cognition and language education (2006, Bloomsbury) remains a central reference in this area of research. He works full-time as an ELT consultant specializing in teacher education and professional development. He is also a visiting professor of TESOL at the University of Leeds and an adjunct professor of English at Bergen University College. Details of his work are available at iv Contributors Noor Azam HAJI-OTHMAN is the Director of the Centre for Advanced Research (CARe), Universiti Brunei Darussalam. He is also associate professor in applied linguistics, and teaches on the English Language & Linguistics and the Communication and Media Studies programmes. His main research interests include the interactions between the indigenous languages of Brunei with Malay and English in relation to, and / or as a result of state policy on language, education, and society. He is also interested in bilingualism and bilingual education, and teaching and learning strategies in multilingual classrooms. As director of CARe, he oversees various research projects on youth, obesity, aging, social values, and welfare, topics that have national implications for Brunei; and Malay and English in terms of, or as a result of, state policy on language and education.