We have read with great interest the editorial by Dr. Genta 1 -an attempt to reconcile the short turnover time of the oesophageal squamous epithelium with the results of our study, which showed that complete "normalisation" of oesophageal histology takes at least a few years. 2 The results obtained in the LOTUS study demonstrated that progressive improvement of oesophageal histology occurs over the course of 5 years, and the same phenomenon is observed with regard to the degree of epithelial proliferation assessed by Ki67.Actually, the histological results obtained in the LOTUS study were unexpected and were a surprise to the authors. The histological evaluation of LOTUS has been centralised in a single laboratory, jointly performed by two experienced GI pathologists who have applied well-defined histological criteria that have been the subject of standardisation and validation. [3][4][5][6] This approach was intended to minimise inter-observer variability. In the interpretation of the results, it must be taken into account that the data on histological normalisation refer to the average of histological scores in both groups of patients (ie, those treated with long-term acid suppression or anti-reflux surgery).Many patients showed severe microscopic changes at enrolment, while the finding of severe lesions became progressively rarer during follow-up. It is also worth noting that: (1) the main reduction in lesion severity occurred in both groups after 1 year, while improvement at 3 and 5 years was less obvious; (2) before enrolment, pharmacologically treated patients underwent a short washout period (1 week), which can partly explain the number of patients with normal histology at baseline.