Climate change education is fundamental in the present society, which is characterized as complex and full of uncertainties. The use of games can help in this task. The prototype of an educational game called “Apicum Game”, which addresses climate change and its effects on marine and coastal ecosystems, was assessed in the present study. Thirty-three students in the sixth grade of a private school played the game and answered questionnaires before and after it. The students who participated in the research generally play video games for fun. Also, they have already heard about climate change, mainly in television and school. It was possible to notice that the majority of students understood the concept of coastal ecosystems, which was addressed in the game. In addition, the game contributed to broadening the conceptual profile of students in relation to the complex concept of climate change. Finally, the game contributed to an increase in the number of actions cited by the students to mitigate climate change. The auto-assessment of the students indicated they learned from the game and that the educational content and challenges presented along the story were appreciated by them. Most of the students would play again or indicate the game to a friend. However, the graphics and some bugs must be improved/fixed so as to make the game more enjoyable.