Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) constitutes a systematic space for teaching and learning about contents from different curricular areas, appropriate to the ages of boys and girls, and addressed in a cross-cutting manner and/or in specific spaces. From an integral conception, sexuality education includes the integration of physical, emotional, intellectual and social aspects related to sexuality. CSE is, at the same time, an opportunity for schools, in coordination with other actors, to offer effective responses to student rights violations -such as violence, abuse or mistreatment against children and adolescents- by undertaking protection and reparation measures. Previous studies recognize the importance of examining the Psychoeducation materials on Health Education topics, so it is necessary to investigate how learning can be facilitated from them. Considering the importance of examining this topic to promote students' health, we will first talk about the importance of CSE, then we will focus on previous literature to expose the main studies on strategies used by comprehenders at the time of learning (note taking - note review) and finally, we will comment on the importance of the modality of presentation of the material