The use of genomic sequencing (GS) in military settings poses unique considerations, including the potential for GS to impact service members’ careers. The MilSeq Project investigated the use of GS in clinical care of active-duty Airmen in the United States Air Force (USAF).
We assessed perceived risks, benefits, and attitudes toward use of GS in the USAF among patient-participants (n=93) and health-care provider-participants (HCPs) (n=12) prior to receiving or disclosing GS results.
Participants agreed that there are health benefits associated with GS (90% patients, 75% HCPs), though more HCPs (75%) than patients (40%) agreed that there are risks (p=.048). The majority of both groups (67% HCPs, 77% patients) agreed that they trust the USAF with genetic information, but far fewer agreed that genetic information should be used to make decisions about deployment (5% patients, 17% HCPs) or duty assignments (3% patients, 17% HCPs). Despite their hesitancy, patients were supportive of the USAF testing for non-disease traits that could impact their duty performance. Eighty-seven percent of patients did not think their GS results would influence their career.
Results suggest favorable attitudes toward the use of GS in the USAF when not used for deployment or assignment decisions.