This article uses endogenous growth theory to show that, both education and labor force participation of women are crucial mechanics of economic development. In an economic environment that prevailing polygamous and early fertility which yields inequalities among women, unemployed labor force is due to difficulties to ensure education for all the children born from different mothers. Thus increases of poverty create a feedback effect since the children's off-springs become also parental financial support. Indeed, introducing moral hazard and corruption in the economy due to absence of skills, thus information hold is not revealed in order to win money to support the big family. The article also shows that, social inheritance rule is modified, i.e., it may decrease a lot and yield to poverty trap and famine zone or may increase a lot and reach the highest levels or may converge depending on parental polygamous degree or remain equal to the parental status. Consequently, this article provides development foundations focused on women social promotion for development take-off in poorest countries.