HIV/AIDS is found commonly among sexually active young adults, many of whom may live in slum. This group may serve as the gateway for HIV transmission to the general population because of their vulnerable lifestyle, and lack of information about the disease and its prevention. Cross-sectional questionnaire-based study of 116 slum dweller was carried out in a selected slum area. Among them highest age group is 43.10% (26-35) and the Mean age of population is 26.5 SD ±5.34. (43.10%) of the respondents are male and were (56.90%) of the respondents are female. The large numbers of the respondents (43.10%) cannot read and write, 34.48% people have primary education. Most of the respondents (39.67%) income level is (2000-5000) and Median income is 8500 SD±4514.9. Table shows that 83.62% were married, 72.41% respondents live in the nuclear family and 56.9% respondents have family member of 2-4 persons. Large numbers (32.76%) of the respondents are working as house maid. 87.93% of the respondents heard the name of HIV/AIDS and the source of information was Media (Radio, TV, newspaper.). Majority (60.34%) respondents thought that HIV/AIDS is a disease but 10.34% seems that it is a curse of God. Out of total respondents 66 thought that unsafe physical relation is the foremost source of infection and about prevention 46.55% respondents told that protected sexual measure can prevent the disease. Majority (64.66%) of the respondents don’t know signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS but rest of them thought that Rapid weight loss, Dry cough for more than 2/3 months, Recurring fever for more than 2/3 months and Diarrhea lasting more than a week are the symptom of HIV/AIDS. Most (41.38%) of the respondents told that HIV/AIDS cured by treatment and 89.66% respondents thought that the patients should not isolated from family. Their knowledge level is seems too reduced.