Globalization significantly impacts social characteristics of the educational environment, which is becoming increasingly multicultural not only on university campuses but also in the online space, which makes it necessary for teachers to develop intercultural competence and sensitivity. The study aimed to investigate the peculiarities of Chinese college teachers' intercultural sensitivity development. 96 teachers took part in the study. A communicative training aimed at increasing intercultural sensitivity was developed and its indicators were measured in dynamics, before and after the training. The research methodology was based on socio-cultural, group and personal factors of intercultural competence. The Intercultural Sensitivity Scale by Hukhlaev and Chibisova, modified by Logashchenko, and the Ethnonational Attitudes Scale by Hukhlaev, Kuznetsov and Tkachenko were used. Passing the communicative training had a positive impact on the intercultural sensitivity of the studied teachers, contributing to the formation of their optimal and adequate attitude to intercultural differences and a more tolerant attitude towards representatives of other ethnic groups.
RESUMENLa globalización impacta significativamente en las características del entorno educativo, que cada vez es más intercultural, no solo en los campus universitarios sino también en el ciberespacio, por lo que es necesario que los docentes desarrollen su sensibilidad y competencias interculturales. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar las peculiaridades del desarrollo de la sensibilidad intercultural de los docentes universitarios en China. En el estudio participaron 96 docentes, que completaron un programa de formación comunicativa desarrollado para incrementar su sensibilidad cultural. Se midieron diversos indicadores antes y después de la formación. La metodología de la investigación se basó en factores socioculturales, grupales y personales de la competencia intercultural. Se hizo uso de las siguientes escalas: Escala de