The educational system must be transformed to fulfill its promise of providing quality education. In measuring its quality, it is vital to consider valid indicators to determine whether it has achieved its goals and objectives. Without indicators, it will be difficult to assess its performance and plan for improvement. Thus, this paper explored the various literature on best educational systems to list indicators and create a model of an excellent educational system. Based on the qualitative data analysis, four indicators emerged for the excellent educational system: context indicators, input indicators, process indicators, and output indicators. Context indicators include student characteristics, socio-economic conditions, cultural aspects, status of the teaching profession, and local community issues. Meanwhile, input indicators involve financial, material, and human resources that influence the success of an educational system. On the other hand, process indicators include how specific educational processes are conducted in practice like the application of standards, teaching quality, time on task, school climate, and educational leadership. Lastly, output indicators involve subject knowledge, competencies, repetition, progression and completion rates, and employer satisfaction. Further, these indicators are described as amiable context, adequate input, appropriate process, and acceptable output to achieve the best educational system. The absence of one indicator may affect other indicators as these indicators need one another to complete an educational system. Therefore, educational leaders are encouraged to focus on the improvement of these indicators to achieve an excellent educational system. Teachers and stakeholders can also support the administrators in realizing these indicators.