There are complex cultural considerations for understanding, assessing, and treating substance use disorders (SUD) among Black men, from the initiation of substance use through SUD-related outcomes. This narrative review provides insight into some of these factors, including the individual, interpersonal, and community-level risk and protective factors (e.g., family and social roles, religiosity, racism and discrimination, exposure to trauma and adversity) underlying relative risk for substance use and disparities in SUD-related outcomes. This article also highlights the ways that public attitudes and policies related to substance use have contributed to ongoing inequities in SUD treatment access for Black men. Recommendations for clinical research and practice include increasing focus on measurement equivalence, creating pathways for access to community-based and specialty treatment, and providing services that are culturally affirming, relevant, and appropriate. Comprehensive efforts are needed to reduce SUD-related inequities and promote positive well-being among Black men and their communities.