The article emphasizes the relevance of the formation of students’ civic and socialThe article emphasizes the relevance of the formation of students’ civic and socialcompetences during the reformation of educational institutions according to the concept of the NewUkrainian School with the ability to appreciate the cultural diversity of different peoples and identifythemselves as citizens of Ukraine, contributing to the upbringing of the Ukrainian patriot. Emphasis isplaced on the results of the research and experimental work “Formation of the value-meaningfulsphere of children of preschool and primary school age” on the issues of national-patriotic education.It is proposed to consider the national idea through the philosophical reflection of the educationalissues in the conditions of globalization and to identify the tendencies of developing nationaleducation in response to the challenges and risks of modern society that affect the functioning ofeducational institutions. In order to solve theoretical issues, it is important to involve the scientificresults of specialists in different directions: public administration (process management, statesecurity), philosophy (forming national consciousness), pedagogy (methodology and technology ofpedagogical influence), psychology (problems of motivation and self-identification), sociology(opinion survey), communication theory (media outreach), cultural studies (preserving nationalculture, traditions, tolerance and politics of multiculturalism), politology (preserving the state),national security (preserving social standards, defining social partners, developing social projects,considering requests for social justice), economy (determing priorities of budgetary and non-budgetary financing of educational institutions, involving cooperation of local self-government bodies, business structures and public organizations). It is determined that the reasons of insufficientlevel of teachers’ readiness for systematic and purposeful work on patriotic upbringing of studentsshould be sought in the incomplete use of the potential of the educational subjects, the lack ofscientific and substantive methods and a set of didactic tools (textbooks, audiobooks, teachingmaterials) providing support in the practical acquisition of students’ knowledge, skills, and creativeuse of them in cognitive activity.