People have various motivations and perceptions when choosing a future career. The purpose of this article is to compare the motivational factors for selecting dentistry as a career among local and international students at Ukrainian universities. A qualitative design was employed, using a 24-item questionnaire with closed-ended questions to survey Master's degree students in Dentistry. Students' perceptions of motivational factors were assessed on a five-point Likert scale. Statistical analysis, including the χ2-test and regression analysis, was conducted to identify differences. A total of 121 local and 59 international students participated in the questionnaire about motivation factors for pursuing dentistry. In the local group, 69.42% were female and 30.58% were male, while the international group comprised 32.20% females and 67.80% males. No significant differences were found between local and international students regarding professional status, income potential, entrepreneurial opportunities, practical skills, desire to work in healthcare, desire to work with people, or the wish to provide public service (P>0.1). However, international students expressed higher agreement regarding personal experiences with dental care and work experience. Conversely, local students placed less importance on factors like influence from friends and personal advice compared to international students. Recommendations for promoting education at the university include highlighting the professional status and income potential of dentistry, promoting practical skills development, and emphasizing the social value of the profession. To attract applicants from abroad, messaging about personal experiences in dentistry and graduates' recommendations on social networks could be effective strategies.