Latar belakang: Covid-19 merupakan zoonosis yang menular antar manusia (human to human) dengan laju penularan berdasarkan masa inkubasi, gejala dan durasi antara gejala dan pasien yang diisolasi. WHO, CDC, dan kementrian Indonesia merekomendasikan penerapan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) dengan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat salah satunya adalah Santri Pondok Pesantren Salaf Pring Wulung. Berdasarkan survei diketahui bahwa para santriwan kurang memperhatikan pentingnya menjaga kebersihan diri, salah satunya yaitu mencuci tangan. Tujuan: Tujuan kegiatan adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan meningkatkan kesadaran santriwan tentang pentingnya menerapkan PHBS. Metode: Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penyuluhan dengan menggunakan media PPT (Power Point Presentation) tentang materi Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat dan praktik langsung tentang cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar. Indikator keberhasian kegiatan melalui peningkatan pengetahuan PHBS yang diidentifikasi dari hasil pre-test dan post-test serta kemampuan santriwan untuk mempraktikkan kembali cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan demonstrasi yang telah diberikan. Hasil: Pengetahuan santriwan terhadap PHBS secara garis besar cukup baik diketahui dari hasil pre-test tentang hal-hal yang termasuk dalam PHBS lebih dari 70%, meskipun secara teori masih cukup rendah. Setelah pemberian penyuluhan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan santriwan tentang PHBS, dengan hasil post-test hampir semua 100% baik dan benar. Kesimpulan: Kegiatan pengabdian dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran santriwan Pondok Pesantren Pring Wulung dalam menerapkan PHBS, salah satunya dengan mencuci tangan dengan baik dan benar.
Background: COVID-19 is a zoonotic disease that is transmitted between humans (human to human), with transmission rates based on incubation period, symptoms, and duration between symptoms in isolated patients. WHO, CDC, and the Indonesian Ministry recommend implementing Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) with outreach to the community, one of which is the Santri of the Salaf Pring Wulung Islamic Boarding School. Based on the survey, it is known that the students pay less attention to the importance of maintaining personal hygiene, one of which is washing hands. Objective: The purpose of the activity is to provide knowledge and increase students' awareness about the importance of implementing PHBS. Method: Activities carried out in the form of counseling using PPT (PowerPoint Presentation) regarding materials on clean and healthy behavior and hands-on practice on how to wash hands properly and correctly Indicators of activity success through increasing PHBS knowledge were identified from the results of the pre-test and post-test, as well as the ability of students to re-practice how to wash hands properly and correctly per the demonstrations given. Result: In general, the student's knowledge of PHBS is quite well known from the results of the pre-test about things included in PHBS, which is more than 70%, although, in theory, it is still relatively low. After providing counseling, there was an increase in the student's knowledge about PHBS, with results post-test almost all 100% good and true. Conclusion: Service activities can increase the knowledge and awareness of Pring Wulung Islamic Boarding School students about implementing PHBS, one of which is washing hands properly and correctly.
Keywords: handwashing, counseling, PHBS, Islamic boarding schools, Islamic student