Indonesia is a tropical country with prolonged exposure to sunlight. The sun emits UV rays, and prolonged exposure to these rays can lead to various health issues such as sunburn, premature aging, tanning, erythema formation, and ultimately, skin cancer. Preventing the negative effects of UV radiation is crucial, especially for children who often engage in outdoor activities. The aim of this initiative is to enhance children's awareness of the dangers of excessive UV exposure to health and educate them on preventive measures, thereby improving the overall health quality of the community, particularly among children. The method employed in this activity includes a series of events: opening, pretest to assess participants' understanding before receiving information, delivering the material to enhance participants' knowledge, discussion, posttest to evaluate participants' understanding after the material presentation, and closure. Based on the pretest-posttest results, the average pretest score was 39.09 ± 19.001, with the lowest score at 00.00 and the highest at 60.00. The average posttest score was 66.36 ± 20.83, with the lowest at 20.00 and the highest at 100.00. Statistical analysis indicates a significant improvement in the average pretest and posttest scores (p<0.05), demonstrating an increase in participants' knowledge before and after receiving the material. These findings suggest that the awareness campaign has effectively increased the participants' knowledge regarding the dangers of excessive UV exposure to health and its preventive measures.