The sleep EEG of eight healthy young men was recorded from 27 derivations during a baseline night and a recovery night after 40 h of waking. Individual power maps of the nonREM sleep EEG were calculated for the delta, theta, alpha, sigma and beta range. The comparison of the normalized individual maps for baseline and recovery sleep revealed very similar individual patterns within each frequency band. This high correspondence was quantified and statistically confirmed by calculating the Manhattan distance between all pairs of maps within and between individuals. Although prolonged waking enhanced power inthe low-frequency range and reduced power in the high-frequency range Sleep is generally regarded as a global brain process. Recently, regional aspects of sleep have gained increasing attention. Early reports that the location of the recording electrodes affects the pattern of the sleep EEG (Findji et al. 1981;Buchsbaum et al. 1982;Hori 1985) were reexamined by using contemporary methods of quantitative EEG analysis. Power spectra along the antero-posterior axis were shown to exhibit frequencyspecific and state-dependent gradients (Werth et al. 1996(Werth et al. , 1997) with a frontal predominance in the 2-Hz band during the initial part of sleep. This hyperfrontality of low-frequency activity was accentuated by sleep deprivation (Cajochen et al. 1999). It may be associated with the reduction of regional cerebral blood flow which is known to occur during slow wave sleep (Finelli et al. 2000b; for a review see Maquet 2000) as well as in the course of prolonged waking (Thomas et al. 1998(Thomas et al. , 2000. These findings support the hypothesis that sleep has a local, use-dependent, facet and that cerebral structures that had been particularly active during waking may exhibit more intensive signs of sleep (Horne 1993;Krueger and Obál 1993;Kattler et al. 1994;Benington and Heller 1995;Borbély and Achermann 2000).Studies on regional differences in the sleep EEG are typically based on the statistical analysis of the records from several subjects. This approach emphasizes the changes common to all subjects, and tends to disregard individual differences. However, individual features may be important. This was recently demonstrated in a study where the relationship between the waking and sleep EEG was investigated (Finelli et al. 2000a). Examining the individual time course of theta power in the waking EEG in the course of a 40-h sleep deprivation period revealed a correlation with the change in delta power in the nonREM sleep EEG. The results suggested that a common regulatory process might control specific parts of the waking and sleep EEG. The aim of the present analysis was to investigate the individual topographic distribution of power in non-REM sleep before and after sleep deprivation, a manipulation known to cause massive changes in the sleep EEG.
SUBJECTS AND METHODSEight right-handed healthy male subjects (mean age 23 y Ϯ 0.46 SEM, range 21-25 years) participated in the study. They were selected on the bas...