At present, intracranial pressure (ICP) can be reliably measured directly by invasive techniques such as ventriculostomy tube 1,2 , which require special equipment for the placement of monitoring probes. The most common side effect is intracranial infection. 3-5 lumbar puncture (lP) is one of the most common methods of ICP measurement, however, when ICP is very high, it should be performed with caution to avoid inducing brain herniation which may lead to death. 6 In recent years, some noninvasive ICP monitoring methods have been reported, including transcranial doppler, 7-9 jugular venous oxygen concentration monitoring, measurement of tympanic membrane displacement, 10,11 and retinal venous pressure measurement, however, none of these methods is sufficiently accurate to be allowed for routine clinical use.As we know, it is now possible to record and monitor the continuous digital EEG, and continuous EEG monitoring provides dynamic information about brain function. 12 Electroencephalogram (EEG) power spectrum is a method of EEG signal analysis which provides more accurate information for determining brain functions than traditional EEG techniques. 13,14 Electroencephalogram power spectrum has been used to assess the level of consciousness and the depth of anesthesia. 15 Gradual increase of ICP will lead to change of ABSTRACT: Objectives: To investigate the feasibility of Electroencephalogram (EEG) power spectrum analysis as a noninvasive method for monitoring intracranial pressure (ICP). Methods: The EEG signals were recorded in 62 patients (70 cases) with central nervous system (CNS) disorders in our hospital. By using self-designed software, EEG power spectrum analysis was conducted and pressure index (PI) was calculated automatically. Intracranial pressure was measured by lumbar puncture (lP). Results: We found a significant negative correlation between PI and ICP (r = -0.849, p < 0.01). Conclusions: The PI obtained from EEG analysis is correlated with ICP. Analysis of specific parameters from EEG power spectrum might reflect the ICP.RÉSUMÉ: Une nouvelle méthode de surveillance de la pression intracrânienne par analyse des spectres de puissance de l'EEG. Objectifs : le but de l'étude était d'évaluer la faisabilité de l'analyse des spectres de puissance de l'EEG comme méthode non effractive de surveillance de la pression intracrânienne (PIC). Méthode : les signaux EEG ont été enregistrés chez 62 patients (70 observations) atteints de troubles du système nerveux central (SNC) dans notre hôpital. Nous avons effectué une analyse des spectres de puissance de l'EEG et l'indice de pression (IP) a été calculé automatiquement. la pression intracrânienne a été mesurée par ponction lombaire. Résultats : Nous avons observé une corrélation négative significative entre l'IP et la PIC (r = -0,849 ; p < 0,01).