We assessed the reproductive phenology, production, and availability of seeds for two morphotypes of Brosimum rubescens Taub. (Moraceae), locally known as black palosangre (BP) and white palosangre (WP) during an annual cycle in a 20-ha mega plot located in a primary forest at the El Zafire Biological Station, in the Colombian Amazon. We found that 87% and 41% of potentially reproductive individuals of BP and WP respectively, was fertile and the production of reproductive structures was variable within and between morphotypes. The phenological pattern was seasonal in both morphotypes, characterized by flowering at the end of the dry season and fruiting at the start of the rainy season. BP produced and aborted large amounts of infructescences (approximately 21743), possibly as a response to satiate predators. Relative predation in terms of pre-dispersion of seeds was similar in both morphotypes, with a greater damage generated by a Scolytidae Curculionidae (Coleoptera) and to a lesser degree by frugivorous vertebrates. The number of mature fruits, total seeds, and removed seeds was similar for both morphotypes. Differences in the amount of reproductive structures and in the timing of phenophases between morphotypes decreased the competition and contributed to their coexistence. It seems that in undisturbed forests seed limitation could be more conditioning for WP, while other limitations after fruit and seed production could occur in BP.