<p><strong>Background. </strong><em>Salicornia bigelovii</em> (Torr) is a halophyte plant, whose cultivation could be optimized by applying eco-friendly homeopathic treatments, generating new applicable knowledge to reduce saline stress in this and other plant species. <strong>Objective.</strong> Evaluate physiological response in <em>S. bigelovii</em> plants irrigated with different proportions of seawater (AM), with application of the homeopathic medicine for human use <em>Natrum muriaticum</em> (HOM) in three cultivation periods, considering morphometric variables and chlorophyll content. <strong>Methodology.</strong> A completely randomized experimental design with factorial arrangement and four repetitions was applied. Factor one corresponded to four different proportions of AM (0, 25, 50 and 100%), factor two, to two HOM dynamizations in 7th and 13th centesimal dilution 1:99 and a control without HOM (NaM-0CH, NaM- 7CH and NaM-13CH) and factor three, at three cultivation periods (1, 2 and 3 months). The morphometric response variables evaluated were plant height (AP), stem thickness (GT), plant cover (CV), number of branches (NR) and chlorophyll content "a", "b" and total. <strong>Results.</strong> There were significant differences between treatments (<em>p</em>≤0.01). The CV and NR variables were favorably modified when applying NaM-7CH and NaM-13CH (<em>p</em>≤0.01 and 0.001, respectively). The highest AP was obtained with AM-0 / NaM-13CH and the highest GT with AM-50 / NaM-7CH (<em>p</em>≤0.01). The second degree interaction only affected the concentration of chlorophyll "b", with the highest values (<em>p</em>≤0.05) during T-2 with respect to T-1, indistinctly to the application of NaM and AM. The content of chlorophyll "a" and total was reduced with AM-50. <strong>Implications.</strong> The NaM-AM interaction modified the morphological expression of <em>S. bigelovii</em> (Torr) and the concentration of chlorophyll "a" and total. <strong>Conclusion.</strong> Positive morphological effects were observed at different salinity levels (% of AM) attributable to HOM treatments, such as higher AP with AM-0 / NaM-13CH and higher GT with AM-50 / NaM-7CH, but inconclusive results for chlorophylls. NaM is an eco-friendly alternative to increase the biomass production of <em>S. bigelovii</em>.</p>