ís.deporte -vol. -número --ISSN: 1577-0354 1 Domínguez, R.; Garnacho-Castaño, M.V.; San Juan, A.F.; Pérez-Ruiz, M.; García-Fernández, P.; Veiga-Herreros, P. y Maté-Muñoz, J.L. (201x) Respuestas cardiorrespiratorias a intensidad umbral. Estudio comparativo entre media sentadilla y cicloergómetro / Cardiorrespiratory ABSTRACT Objective:To compare responses respiratory, heart rate (HR) and lactate at a threshold lactate (LT) intensity in half squat (HQ) vs cycle ergometer. Methods: 24 men with an age of 21.5 ± 1.8 years, height of 180.1 ± 5.2 cm and weight of 81.9 ± 8.7 kg and an experience in resistance training over 6 months and one maximum repetition (1 RM) greater than 150 kg in half squat performed an incremental incremental test in HS and cycle ergometer to determine LT. During the test blood lactate concentrations, FC, oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon production (VCO2), pulmonary ventilation dioxide (VE), ventilatory equivalent of oxygen (VE·VO2 -1 ) and ventilatory equivalent of carbon dioxide (VE·VCO2 -1 ). A t student evaluated the variables analyzed between the two modes of exercise. Results: blood lactate concentrations, FC, VE, and VE·VO2 -1 and VE·VCO2 -1 were higher in HQ vs cycle ergometer (p <0.05). Conclusions: LT can be detected in resistance training. The performance of sessions in resistance training to LT intensity may be adequate in training sessions that seek to simultaneously improve cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength.