This work aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of wheat cultivars and to evaluate the use of nitrogen doses. Two experiments took place at Centro de Pesquisas e Resultados Agronômicos das Missões (CEPRAM), in the municipality of Entre-Ijuís, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Experiment I took place in a randomized block experimental design, evaluating 22 wheat genotypes in four replications. Experiment II took place in a randomized block experimental design, organized in a factorial arrangement of 7 nitrogen doses x 2 wheat genotypes. The doses of nitrogen were 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 kg ha-1 and two wheat cultivars ORS Senna and TBIO Audaz, with 4 replications. In 10 plants, randomly collected, in each experimental unit were evaluated the morphological and productive variables. Performing Analysis of variance and Tukey's mean comparison test in both experiments. Applying principal component analysis and genetic dissimilarity in experiment I. The cultivar TBIO Noble showed productive and morphological characteristics that maximize the agronomic performance of wheat. There is genetic divergence between wheat genotypes for productive and morphological traits. Cultivar ORS Senna enhanced ear length and number of tillers at doses of 44 kg of N ha-1 and 48 kg of N ha-1, respectively.