No-tillage systems (NTS) play a very important role in Brazilian agriculture. NTS are widespread through extensive areas with different climates, soil types and under different management production systems. NTS deeply alter the biological, physical and chemical properties of the soils, as compared to conventional tillage. Soil solution studies, evaluating nutrient concentration changes under management practices, are very important in soil fertility, plant nutrition and management. The effect of liming and three methods of application (one application of 4.5 t ha-1 incorporated, one application of 4.5 t ha-1 surface applied, and, 1.5 t ha-1 applied in each of three years) on the composition and ionic speciation of soil solution, during the implantation of NTS in a native pasture area until 0.8 m depth was studied. The effect of gypsum rate (3; 6 and 9 t ha-1) was also studied under the same conditions. Soil samples were extracted from a field experiment installed in1998 in Ponta Grossa/PR. The selected soil was classified as a dystrophic clayey Rhodic Hapludox.