This study aims to prove and analyze the effect of green brand innovativeness, green knowledge, and utilitarian environment on the green perceived value of MS Glow brand skincare product users in generation Z in Padang City. The object of this research is several generation Z people in the city of Padang who use MS Glow brand skincare products. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The data collection process was the distribution of questionnaires conducted by researchers and teams through direct field observations. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression and t-statistical testing, processed with the help of the SPSS program. Based on the results of the first hypothesis testing, it found that green brand innovativeness had a positive effect on the green perceived value perceived by consumers in Padang City on MS Glow brand skincare. In testing the second hypothesis, it found that green knowledge had a positive effect on green perceived value felt by the Z generation in the city of Padang on a customer using MS Glow skincare products. In the third hypothesis, it was found Utilitarian environmental benefits don’t affect green perceived value felt by the Z generation in the city of Padang on a customer using MS Glow skincare product. In the Simultaneous hypothesis, it found green brand innovativeness, green knowledge, and utilitarian environment had a positive effect on green perceived value felt by the Z generation in the city of Padang on a customer using MS Glow skincare product.