The 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) has been used to extent postharvest life of various species. Generally, 1-MCP effectiveness decreases when applied in fruits at advanced ripening stages. The aim of this work was to verify the influence of ripening stages on some physical and chemical attributes of 'Golden' papaya treated with 1-MCP. Papayas were harvested at five ripening stages and treated with 100 nL L -1 of 1-MCP during 12 hours at 23ºC. Fruit skin color and pulp firmness were daily analyzed while soluble solids, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid were evaluated when fruit reached the consumption firmness (20 N). 1-MCP delayed firmness loss during fruit ripening of all ripening stages. The use of 1-MCP prejudices the softening of fruit harvested at stage 0 (totally green), which did not reach the consumption firmness. Although 1-MCP application at early stages was responsible for a significant increment in commercialization period, treated fruit stayed in the consumption condition for few days. When applied to a more advanced stage, 1-MCP not only increased the commercialization period, but also prolonged the period in that fruit stayed in consumption condition. 1-MCP also delayed the color change, but with a lower effect when compared to firmness retention. Ascorbic acid, titratable acidity and soluble solids were not influenced by 1-MCP application. The application of 1-MCP in fruit harvested at more advanced ripening stages could be an interesting practice since it does not prevent the ripening and still could prolong the period in which fruit stay in consumption condition.
Key words:Carica papaya, postharvest, conservation.
INFLUÊNCIA DO ESTÁDIO DE AMADURECIMENTO EM ATRIBUTOS FÍSICOS E QUÍMICOS DO MAMÃO 'GOLDEN' TRATADO COM 1-METILCICLOPROPENOO 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) tem sido usado para estender a vida pós-colheita de várias espécies. Geralmente, a eficiência do 1-MCP diminui quando aplicado em frutos em estádio de maturação avançado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência do estádio de maturação em alguns atributos físicos e químicos do mamão 'Golden' tratado com 1-MCP. Os mamões foram colhidos em cinco estádios de amadurecimento e tratados com 100 nL L -1 de 1-MCP durante 12 horas a 23 ºC. Os frutos foram diariamente avaliados quanto à cor da casca e firmeza da polpa, enquanto os sólidos solúveis, a acidez titulável e ácido ascórbico analisados quando os frutos atingiram a firmeza de consumo (20 N). O 1-MCP retardou a perda de firmeza durante o amadurecimento dos frutos em todos os estádios de amadurecimento. O uso do 1-MCP prejudicou o amolecimento de frutos colhidos no estádio 0 (totalmente verde), os quais não atingiram a firmeza de consumo. Embora a aplicação do 1-MCP em estádios mais precoces tenha sido responsável por um incremento significativo no período de comercialização, os frutos tratados Palavras chave: Carica papaya, conservação, pós-colheita.
MATERIALS AND METHODS'Golden' papaya (Carica papaya L.) fruit were harvested in March 2004, from a commercial or...