We assessed the effects of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT), 2',3'-dideoxyinosine (ddl), and the (-) enantiomer of 2',3'-dideoxy-3'-thiacytidine (3TC) on reverse transcription in CD4-positive cells by isolating truncated human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) DNA fragments. Jurkat cells were treated with AZT (2 ,LM), ddl (200 ,uM), or 3TC (50 ,uM) The reverse transcriptase (RT) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is essential for the formation of the viral double-stranded DNA genome from its RNA templates (13,38). Blockage of this catalytic function leads to inhibition of viral replication (21-23, 37). Many nucleoside analogs, including 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) (8, 23), 2',3'-dideoxyinosine (ddl) (20-22, 33, 39), and the racemic mixture of 2',3'-dideoxy-3'-thiacytidine (BCH-189) plus both the (+) and (-) enantiomeric forms of this compound (3TC) (6,7,34,36) can effectively obstruct HIV replication in tissue culture and presumably in HIV-infected subjects.RNA-dependent DNA polymerization begins with the formation of a transcription complex of RT (p66/pSi) and tRNALYS3, coupled to the primer-binding sequence (PBS) (4, 24). This step is thought to occur in the cytoplasm after viral entry. The first template switch can be defined as the completion of synthesis of (-) strong-stop HIV DNA accompanied by RNase H digestion of the U5/repeat (R) region of the long terminal repeat (LTR), allowing for annealing to a second RNA template and synthesis of near-full-length (-) DNA (9,12,19,29). Incorporation of triphosphorylated 3'-hydroxyl-deficient nucleoside analogs by RT is believed to irreversibly terminate the elongating DNA strand during reverse transcription. These analogs have higher affinity for RT than for host DNA polymerase activities and therefore possess preferential inhibitory activity for the former enzyme (14,28,37 (514) 340-
7502.The mechanisms which underlie nucleoside analog antiviral activity are still poorly understood. The triphosphate (TP) form of these analogs is thought to be responsible for proviral DNA chain termination. Although AZT-TP and ddITP can chain terminate elongating DNA strands synthesized from RNA or DNA templates (22, 27, 37), these effects have only been demonstrated in vitro with nonviral synthetic templates, usually poly(rA) oligo(dT). Large decreases of HIV proviral DNA in the presence of AZT have been noted (35), but only one study has identified AZT-chain-terminated HIV DNA fragments in CD4-positive cells (40). We have isolated and characterized truncated HIV DNA in HIV-exposed Jurkat cells that were pretreated with 3TC, AZT, or ddl, through extractions of low-molecular-weight (LMW) DNA (15) and quantitative PCR amplifications. We found that HIV DNA fragments isolated from drug-treated cells were efficiently truncated after the synthesis of (-) strong-stop DNA. Little or no further chain termination by nucleoside analogs was observed over the subsequent synthesis of 8,500 nucleotides (nt) following the first template switch.We utilized an endogenous HIV type 1 (HIV-...