Using the extended Blonder–Tinkham–Klapwijk (BTK) theory, this paper calculates the tunnelling conductance in quantum wire/insulator/dx2-y2 + idxy mixed wave superconductor (q/I/dx2-y2 + idxy) junctions. That is different from the case in d- and p-wave superconductor junctions. When the angle α between a-axis of the dx2-y2 wave superconductor and the interface normal is π/4, there follows a rather distinctive tunnelling conductance. The zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) may or may not appear in the tunnelling conductance. Both the interface potential z and the quasi-particle lifetime factor ΓT are smaller, there is no ZBCP. Otherwise, the ZBCP will appear. The position of bias conductance peak (BCP) depends strongly on the amplitude ratio of two components for dx2-y2 + idxy mixed wave. The low and narrow ZBCP may coexist with the BCP in the tunnelling conductance. Using those features in the tunnelling conductance of q/I/dx2-y2 + idxy junctions, it can distinguish dx2-y2 + idxy mixed wave superconductor from d- and p-wave one.