Abstract.To evaluate the impact of vapor diffusion onto isotopic composition variations in the snow pits and then in ice cores, we introduced water isotopes in the detailed snowpack model Crocus. The isotopes routine is run with a 1 s resolution. At each step and for each snow layer, 1) the initial isotopic composition of vapor is taken at equilibrium with solid phase, 2) kinetic 15 fractionation is applied during transport, and 3) condensation is realized.We study the different effects of temperature gradient, compaction, wind compaction and precipitation on the final vertical isotopic profiles. We also run complete simulations of vapor and isotopic diffusion at GRIP, Greenland and at Dome C, Antarctica over periods of 1 or 10 years. The vapor diffusion tends to smooth the original seasonal signal, with an attenuation of 9.5% of the original signal over 10 years at GRIP. This is smaller than the observed attenuation in ice cores, 20 indicating that the model underestimates attenuation due to diffusion or that other processes, such as ventilation, also contribute to the observed attenuation. At Dome C, the attenuation is stronger (14 %), probably because of the lower accumulation and stronger δ 18 O gradients.Because vapor diffusion is not the only process responsible of the signal attenuation, it would be useful to implement in the model ventilation of the snowpack and exchanges with the atmosphere to evaluate their contribution. 25Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., https://doi