Summary:Glucose had long been thought to fuel oxidative metabolism in active neurons until the recently proposed astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle hypothesis (ANLSH) challenged this view. According to the ANLSH, activity-induced uptake of glucose takes place predominantly in astrocytes, which metabolize glucose anaerobically. Lactate produced from anaerobic glycolysis in astrocytes is then released from astrocytes and provides the primary metabolic fuel for neurons. The conventional hypothesis asserts that glucose is the primary substrate for both neurons and astrocytes during neural activity and that lactate produced during activity is removed mainly after neural activity. The conventional hypothesis does not assign any particular fraction of glucose metabolism to the aerobic or anaerobic pathways. In this review, the authors discuss the theoretical background and critically review the experimental evidence regarding these two hypotheses. The authors conclude that the experimental evidence for the ANLSH is weak, and that existing evidence and theoretical considerations support the conventional hypothesis. Key Words: Brain-Energy metabolismGlucose-Glycolysis-Lactate-Oxidative phosphorylation.Until recently, glucose had stood unchallenged as the principal metabolic substrate of the mature brain (for example, see McIlwain and Bachelard, 1985;Sokoloff, 1989). The primacy of glucose, though, has been questioned recently by some investigators who view lactate as a substrate that active neurons prefer over glucose (Magistretti, 1999; Magistretti et al., 1999). The brain can consume lactate as a substrate, as has been demonstrated by studies showing that the brain uses lactate during hypoglycemia or during periods of elevated blood lactate (Ide et al., 2000;Nemoto et al., 1974). Also, some in vitro studies have shown that lactate supports neural activity in brain tissues in the absence of glucose (e.g., Izumi et al., 1997;Schurr et al., 1988). However, because lactate does not pass through the blood-brain barrier nearly as well as glucose (e.g., McIlwain and Bachelard, 1985), lactate cannot serve the brain as a bloodborne substrate the way glucose does. In the mid 1990s, an astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle hypothesis (ANLSH) was proposed that assigned a major metabolic role to brain-derived lactate (Pellerin and Magistretti, 1994;Tsacopoulos and Magistretti, 1996). According to this hypothesis, lactate is produced in an activity-dependent and glutamate-mediated manner by astrocytes and is then transferred to and used by active neurons (Pellerin et al., 1998a). In greater detail, the ANLSH postulates that neuronal activation increases the extracellular concentration of brain glutamate, which astrocytes take up via high affinity, Na + -dependent transporters. Increases in glutamate and Na + in astrocytes activate glutamine synthetase and Na + -K + ATPase, respectively. Activation of Na + -K + ATPase spurs astrocytic ATP consumption. This leads to activation of anaerobic glycolysis 1 in astrocytes, and the resulting lactat...