This study was conducted to investigate the microbiological sanitation status of raw chicken meat distributed in Korea, and potential changes in chicken breast quality during storage. The microbiological sanitation status analysis of raw chicken involved studying the results of microbiological monitoring for a 5-year period (2010∼2014) by the Korean Food and Drug Administration. Furthermore, the microbiological status of raw chicken meat in meat packing centers and shops in Seoul/Gyeonggi, Kangwon, and Chungcheong Provinces was investigated from July to August 2015. The total bacterial counts of chicken meat in the packaging centers and meat shop of these Provinces were below the level specified in the Korean Meat Microbiological Guideline (1×10 7 colony forming units [CFU]/g) and showed a similar microbiological sanitation status with results of the microbiological monitoring for the analyzed 5-year period. To evaluate the relationship between quality change and microbiological level of the meat distributed in Korea, the pH and microbiological and sensory quality characteristics of the chicken breast samples during storage at 4±2℃were determined. On day 4, the total bacterial count of the chicken breast was 6.76 log CFU/g, which was close to the official 1×10 7 CFU/g standard, the pH was 5.96, and the overall acceptability was reduced significantly (p<0.05). In particular, the aroma score was <5, indicating that the consumer panel expressed a negative perception even though the chicken contained a lower microbial level than that specified in the Korean microbiological guideline. These results suggest that the current Korean microbiological guideline for raw chicken meat may require a stricter level of up to 1×10 6 CFU/g to satisfy both meat safety standards and organoleptic quality for consumers.