Ferrocement is extensively utilized in construction as a structural material, given its exceptional mechanical properties and impact strength. This study aimed to analyze the performance of ferrocement that is reinforced with recycled steel wire tires under static loads. This current study a comparative investigation of behavior of compressive strength of ferrocement cubes and flexural behavior of ferrocement panels and behavior of ferrocement panels reinforced with tire Steel wire tires under static loads. Ferrocement slabs sample was (L 500×W 500× t 50mm) in size, and 15 slabs were subjected to static point load. The number of wire mesh layers, which was replaced by recycling tire steel wire as a ratio of the volume of wire mesh, was the main parameter in the current study. The percentage of recycle steel wire tires are 33% and 66% and 99% from of steel wire mesh for reinforcements of ferrocement panels. The results presented, the behavior of panels under static load at ultimate failure and first crack. It showed that ferrocement have 99.0% steel wire tires gave a good performance under static loading which were required to increase the load value to make the first crack and ultimate failure, and causing late of the failure and less deflection.