The adenosine potentiating drugs dilazep and lidoflazine were studied for their relaxing ability in isolated dog cerebral and renal arteries contracted under conditions which induce the opening of potential-dependent calcium channels (using K+ at 30, 50 and 100 mmol/l) and under conditions which induce the opening of receptor-operated calcium channels (prostaglandin F2α, PGF2α; 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) and compared with those of adenosine and a standard calcium entry blocker, diltiazem. Dilazep, lidoflazine and diltiazem exerted concentration-dependent relaxation in cerebral and renal artery ring strips contracted with 30, 50 and 100 mmol/l K+. However, dilazep was slightly more potent at 100 mmol/l K+. In contrast, whereas the high concentration of adenosine (1 × 10–5–3.7 × 10–4 mol/l) relaxes these arteries only at 30 mmol/l K+, it produced a more pronounced concentration-dependent relaxation when PGF2α or 5-HT was used as a contracting agent. The order of relaxing responses of both cerebral and renal arterial ring strips contracted by PGF201 were: diltiazem > adenosine > lidoflazine > dilazep. On the other hand, the relaxing responses on cerebral and renal arteries contracted with 5-HT were: diltiazem > lidoflazine > adenosine > dilazep and diltiazem > adenosine > lidoflazine > dilazep, respectively. Adenosine deaminase reversed the relaxation produced by adenosine, but was unable to reverse the relaxing responses to diltiazem, lidoflazine and dilazep. These findings suggest that dilazep and lidoflazine have a direct relaxing effect independent of adenosine in cerebral and renal artery ring strips possibly through their calcium entry blocking activity. The data suggest that adenosine is more effective on the receptor-operated contractions, whereas dilazep and lidoflazine are more effective on the potential-dependent contractions.