Objective: This study was conducted to determine the seasonal characteristics of odorous material emissions from a swine finishing barn equipped with a continuous pit recirculation system (CPRS) using aerobically treated manure.
Methods:CThe CPRS consists of an aerobic manure treatment process and a pit recirculation system, where the solid fraction is separated and composted. The aerated liquid fraction (290.0%±21.0% per day of total stored pig slurry) is continuously recirculated to the top of the slurry in the pit. Four confinement pig barns in three piggery farms were used: two were equipped with CPRS, and the other two operated a slurry pit under the slatted floor across all seasons.
Results:The indoor, exhaust, and outside odor intensities were significantly lower in the CPRS group than in the control group (p<0.001). In the CPRS group, the odor intensity outside was significantly lower in the fall than in the other seasons (p=0.015). In the indoor atmosphere, the temperature and CO2, NH3, and H2S contents of the CPRS group were significantly lower than those of the control group (p<0.05). In the CPRS group, indoor temperature did not significantly change in the spring, summer, and fall seasons and was significantly lower in the winter (p=0.002). NH3, H2S, MM, DMD, TMA, phenol, indole, and skatole levels were significantly lower in the CPRS group than in the control group (p<0.05). There were significant seasonal differences on the odorous material in both the control and CPRS groups (p<0.05), but the pattern was not clear across seasons.
Conclusion:The CPRS can reduce the indoor temperature in the summer to a level similar to that in the spring and fall seasons. The CPRS with aerated liquid manure is expected to reduce and maintain malodorous emissions within acceptable limits in swine facilities.