Whether similar sex differences operate in humans is unknown. To test this notion, we estimated ACTH-cortisol dose-response properties analytically in 48 healthy adults (n ϭ 22 women, n ϭ 26 men), ages 18 -77 yr, body mass index (BMI) 18 -32 kg/m 2 , previously studied at two medical centers. Plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations were measured every 10 min for 24 h. The 145 sample pairs were used in each subject to estimate ACTH-cortisol drive via a logistic function. Statistical analyses revealed that 24-h cortisol secretion (Ͼ82% pulsatile) fell in men (r ϭ Ϫ0.38, P ϭ 0.028) and rose in women (r ϭ ϩ0.37, P ϭ 0.045) with age (P ϭ 0.01 sex effect). The mechanisms involved decreased ACTH efficacy with age in men (r ϭ Ϫ0.35, P ϭ 0.04), and increased ACTH efficacy with age in women (r ϭ ϩ0.42, P ϭ 0.025) [P ϭ 0.009 sex effect]. ACTH potency diminished with higher BMI in men (r ϭ ϩ0.38, P ϭ 0.029) and in the cohort as a whole (r ϭ 0.34, P ϭ 0.0085). These outcomes demonstrate that sex, age, and BMI modulate selective properties of endogenous ACTHcortisol drive in humans, thereby indicating the need to control these three major variables in experimental comparisons. adrenal; aging; sex; men; women; secretion IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS, ESTROGENS sensitize and androgens mute corticotropic-axis responses to stress (15,21,60,75). Data in the human are indirect and controversial. For example, in one study in eight hypogonadal men, cortisol production rates were normal (77), whereas in another study, leuprolideinduced gonadoprivation unmasked greater ACTH and cortisol responses to corticotropin-releasing hormones (CRH) in young and middle-aged men than premenopausal women (59). Analyses of young hypogonadal adults further suggest that serotoninergic agonists and psychosocial stress stimulate greater corticotropic-adrenal responses in young men than young women (49, 61). On the other hand, cortisol concentrations are reportedly higher in women than men during early sleep, dexamethasone suppression, interleukin-6 infusion, growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) injection, CRH stimulation, physostigmine administration, and psychosocial stress (8,43,48,64,78).In some investigations, age appears to augment ACTH and cortisol release in both sexes after selected stressors (8,26,30,43,48). Nonetheless, other studies have reported no age or sex effects (19,29,32,46,48,53). Certain of these discrepancies could be due to ethnicity differences (14, 80), time-of-day effects (72), measurement of cortisol in plasma, saliva, or urine (41, 43, 58), nature of stressor (54, 71), basal vs. stressed states (2, 81), concurrent obesity (1,23,33,67,68,70), estrogen use (46), stage of menstrual cycle (40), dietary carbohydrate intake (65), and potential sex-by-age interactions (78). The last consideration has been assessed in untreated children (28) and in adults following sequential dexamethasone/CRH exposure (30).To date, no clinical studies have appraised the individual and interactive effects of sex and age on adrenal responses to endogenous ...