We investigate high-P,T phase equilibria of the MgSiO3-Al2O3 system by means of the density functional ab initio computation methods with multiconfiguration sampling. Being different from earlier studies based on the static substitution properties with no consideration of Rh2O3(II) phase, present calculations demonstrate that (i) dissolving Al2O3 tends to decrease the postperovskite transition pressure of MgSiO3 but the effect is not significant (Ϸ-0.2 GPa/mol% Al2O3); (ii) Al2O3 produces the narrow perovskite؉postperovskite coexisting P,T area (Ϸ1 GPa) for the pyrolitic concentration (xAl2O3 Ϸ6 mol%), which is sufficiently responsible to the deep-mantle D؆ seismic discontinuity; (iii) the transition would be smeared (Ϸ4 GPa) for the basaltic Al-rich composition (xAl2O3 Ϸ20 mol%), which is still seismically visible unless iron has significant effects; and last (iv) the perovskite structure spontaneously changes to the Rh2O3(II) with increasing the Al concentration involving small displacements of the Mg-site cations.ab initio density functional method ͉ Earth's lower mantle ͉ DЉ seismic discontinuity ͉ solid-solution thermodynamics ͉ Rh2O3(II) structure A lthough the postperovskite (pPv) phase transition in MgSiO 3 (1-3) is suggested to be strongly related to the deep-mantle DЉ seismic discontinuity (4-6), phase relations in more realistic chemical compositions, containing particularly aluminum and iron, are needed for further detailed investigations of this region. High-pressure experiments (7, 8) demonstrated that magnesium silicate perovskite (Pv) is the major host of aluminum over the entire pressure (P) and temperature (T) range of the lower mantle, possessing Ϸ5 mol% of Al 2 O 3 in pyrolite and Ϸ20 mol% in MORB. The pPv phase transition of aluminous silicate has therefore been studied extensively both theoretically and experimentally (9-13) along with the effects of Al on the elastic properties of ). An ab initio study (9) showed that the Al incorporation into Mg-Pv drastically increases the pPv transition pressure and also enhances the PvϩpPv coexistence region, which reaches Ͼ10 GPa even for 5 mol% Al 2 O 3 . Also, a laser-heated diamond-anvil-cell experiment of pyrope composition (25 mol% Al 2 O 3 ) (11) proposed a similar phase diagram with wide PvϩpPv coexisting pressure ranges of 20-30 GPa, although their estimations of transition width were quite rough. Similar broadening of the transition width is also reported for the iron-bearing systems (17, 18), although their transition pressures are still highly contradictory. These gradual phase changes through such huge divariant loops suggest the pPv transition fails to explain the sharp seismic discontinuity as observed at the top of DЉ (9, 11). However, the ultrahigh-P,T experiments of multicomponent phase equilibria currently usually involve significant uncertainties in controlling homogeneous P,T conditions and reaction kinetics. In this study, we reinvestigate the aluminum-bearing Pv system theoretically for the first step of better understanding the ...