Habouzit E, Richard H, Sanchez H, Koulmann N, Serrurier B, Monnet R, Ventura-Clapier R, Bigard X. Decreased muscle ACE activity enhances functional response to endurance training in rats, without change in muscle oxidative capacity or contractile phenotype. J Appl Physiol 107: 346 -353, 2009. First published April 30, 2009 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.91443.2008In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that chronic ANG I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition could improve the training-induced improvement in endurance exercise performance and that this could be related to enhanced skeletal muscle metabolic efficiency. Female Wistar rats were assigned to four groups comprising animals either maintained sedentary or endurance trained (Sed and Tr, respectively), and treated or not for 10 wk with an ACE inhibitor, perindopril (2 mg⅐kg Ϫ1 ⅐day
Ϫ1) (Per and Ct, respectively) (n ϭ 8 each). Trained rats underwent an 8-wk treadmill training protocol that consisted of 2 h/day running at 30 m/min on a 8% decline. Before the start of and 1 wk before the end of experimental conditioning, the running time to exhaustion of rats was measured on a treadmill. The training program led to an increase in endurance time, higher in Tr-Per than in Tr-Ct group (125% in Tr-Ct vs. 183% in Tr-Per groups, P Ͻ 0.05). Oxidative capacity, measured in saponinpermeabilized fibers of slow soleus and fast plantaris muscles, increased with training, but less in Tr-Per than in Tr-Ct rats. The training-induced increase in citrate synthase activity also was less in soleus from Tr-Per than Tr-Ct rats. The training-induced increase in the percentage of the type IIa isoform of myosin heavy chain (MHC) (45%, P Ͻ 0.05) and type IIx MHC (25%, P Ͻ 0.05) associated with decreased type IIb MHC (34%, P Ͻ 0.05) was minimized by perindopril administration. These findings demonstrate that the enhancement in physical performance observed in perindopril-treated animals cannot be explained by changes in mitochondrial respiration and/or MHC distribution within muscles involved in running exercise. mitochondria; myosin heavy chain; angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor; perindopril; running performance ENDURANCE TRAINING leads to molecular and cellular adaptations that mainly occur in the cardiovascular system and skeletal muscles and that improve performance during prolonged exercise. Skeletal muscle adaptation to endurance training includes quantitative and qualitative changes in mitochondria, marked development of muscle capillary network, and transition in isoforms of myosin heavy chain. Such training-induced changes contribute to improve aerobic capacity and reliance on oxidative metabolism to provide energy (for review, see Refs. 9 and 14). Individual responses to exercise training result from environmental factors (training program, altitude, nutrition) and are also obviously influenced by genetic factors (5). Recent advances in the sequencing of the human genome have strengthened efforts made to understand genetic differences that may explain individual respo...