The chemi cal durability, heterogeneou s equilibria, h ygroscopicity, pH response, disper·sal, and t hermal ex pa nsion characteristics of a fib er glass used in paper manufacture were inves tiga ted . The chemi cal durabili ty of t his gl as~, was found to be ver y poor between pH 2 and pH -2, apparently du e to the high alumina"and low silica composition. Above and below t his range t he chemical durability greatly improved , showing with t he interferom eter no detectable attack for expos ures of 6 hours at 80° C either in high concentrations of H 2 S04, or between pH 4 and pH 8. At a lkalinities above pH 8 t h e durabili ty again decreased as is characteristic of man y silica te gla sses. In a ddi tion, t he h eterogeneous equilibria at the solu Lion-glass interface, using Ag (NH 3lz+ ions as indi cator , showed t he fib er glass when leached at pH 4.1. to have an un even distribution of migratable ions between t h e negatively charged glass surface and ambient aqueoll s sol utions, to a greater extent t han m ost commercial gl a~se~. In acco rd wi th the very low h ygroscopici ty and poor chemical durabi lity, clcctrodes prcpa rcd fro m Lhis glass gave no defini te r esponse Lo h ydrogen ion activi Ly of the ambient solli tions. Thc di spersal ch aracteri stics of t he fib ers in aqueo us solu tions foll ow t he "cri t ical" poin ts indicated l ,by t h e chemi cal du rabili ty CllI'VC co vering t he range fr o m pH -8.1 to pH 11 .8. Th c a nnealing and softelling temperatures a s obtained from Lhe r es pective expansion cur ves \I'ere found to be higher fo r t he fi ber glass than for either P y rex 7740 or Kimble N 51-A.Th c chemi cal durabili ty data, t he acid t itrat ion of sodium Silicate, and t he di s persal-pH series a re consistent wi th t he fi ndin gs of O'Leary et al. in emphasizing p H 2.9 as a cri t ical co nditi on for Lhc m ost slI cccss ful produ ction of paper from fib ers o f t his glass.