!C 4e ageI hur oer reporse. Indlucng the time for reviewing minti.,ctions. searcming e.tng data sources 111IN In press, Macromolecules
12a. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODEApproved for public release; distribution unlimited. Reproduction in wh1ole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government.
ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)The combined results of piezoelectric coefficient (d , e ) measurements, FTIR spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction studies of three dimensionally oriented Nylon i1 films reveal that the polarization occurs in the crystalline regions. In addition, the orientation of dipoles in a poled Nylon 11 film is not altered by a high temperature annealing treatment (185 0 C). This unique high temperature stability of dipole orientatiion in the crystalline regions provides a method to investigate the polarization mechanism for poled Nylon 11 films. Our results indicate that the difference in observed x-ray diffraction patterns from unpoled and poled films results from an initial 900 field induced dipole reorientation mechanism. Further dipole orientation appears to result from a 18 0 0C switching mechanism.
AbstractThe combined results of piezoelectric coefficient (d 31 , e 31 ) measurements, FTIR spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction studies of three dimensionally oriented Nylon 11 films reveal that the polarization occurs in the crystalline regions. In addition, the orientation of dipoles in a poled Nylon 11 film is not altered by a high temperature annealing treatment (185°C). This unique high temperature stability of dipole orientation in the crystalline regions provides a method to investigate the polarization mechanism for poled Nylon 11 films. Our results indicate that the difference in observed x-ray diffraction patterns from unpoled and poled films results from an initial 900 field induced dipole reorientation mechanism. Further dipole reorientation appears to result from a 1800 switching mechanism.