IntisariKajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi temperatur annealing dan holding time (waktu tahan) terhadap struktur kristal, ukuran partikel, dan ukuran butir lapisan tipis BaZr0,15Ti0,85O3. Penumbuhan lapisan tipis menggunakan metode Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) atau Sol Gel di atas substrat Pt/Si dengan spin coater. Proses Sol Gel meliputi persiapan sol (koloid), gelation dari sol, dan penguraian pelarut. Penumbuhan lapisan tipis menggunakan variasi temperatur annealing 800 dan 900• C, dan variasi holding time 3 dan 4 jam dengan kecepatan putar 4000 rpm. Lapisan tipis dikarakterisasi dengan XRD dan dilakukan penghalusan menggunakan metode Rietveld dengan program GSAS. Ukuran partikel didapat dengan formula Scherer serta alat SEM untuk mengetahui ukuran butir. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa variasi temperatur annealing dan holding time mempengaruhi struktur kristal, ukuran partikel, dan ukuran butir lapisan tipis. Bertambahnya temperatur annealing dan holding time maka parameter kisi semakin besar dengan a = b = c yang berarti memiliki struktur kristal tertragonal. Ukuran partikel semakin besar seiring dengan bertambahnya temperatur annealing dan holding time. Namun, ukuran butir tidak berpengaruh terhadap penambahan temperatur annealing.
ABSTRACTThis study purpose to determine the effect of variations of annealing temperature and holding time of the crystal structure, particle size, and grain size on BaZr0,15Ti0,85O3 thin films. Growth of BaZr0,15Ti0,85O3 thin filmsused Chemical Solution Deposition method (CSD) or Sol Gel on the substrate Pt/ Si were prepared by spin coater. These steps the preparation of CSD include sol (colloidal), gelation of the sol, and removal solvent. Growth of thin films using variation of the annealing temperature 800 and 900• CC, and variation of holding time 3 and 4 hours with a rotational speed of 4000 rpm. Thinfilmshave been made then characterized by XRD and refinement performed using the Rietveld method by the GSAS program for to determine the crystal structure. The particle size obtained by Scherer formula and SEM tool to determine the grain size. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that the variation of the annealing temperature and holding time affects the crystal structure, particle size and grain size of the BaZr0,15Ti0,85O3.thinfilm With increasing annealing temperature and holding time the greater the lattice parameters and a = b = c which means it havetertragonal crystalline structure. Particle size greater along with increasing annealing temperature and holding time. However, the annealing temperature variations for the grain size can not be determined.