The effects of anoxia/ischemia on the mammalian brain, and the mechanisms that promote survival or neuronal failure, have been extensively studied owing to their great significance in human pathophysiology. In brief, the mammalian brain loses ATP within minutes of oxygen deprivation, with a subsequent failure of ATP-dependent ion exchangers, the loss of ionic gradients, and membrane depolarization. Depolarization then results in a cytotoxic increase in intracellular Ca 2+ concentration, the uncontrolled release of excitatory neurotransmitters to neurotoxic levels, and subsequent neuronal death (for a review, see Lutz et al., 2003). Once temperature differences are taken into account, this scenario is in fact the characteristic response of nearly all vertebrate brains, from fish to mammals (Lutz et al., 2003). A few species, however, including turtles in the genera Trachemys and Chrysemys and fish in the genus Carassius, can survive anoxia for days at 25°C and months at temperatures below 10°C (Lutz et al., 2003). These animals are able to greatly reduce brain metabolic rates to a level where energy costs are matched by anaerobic energy production; ATP levels are thus maintained and anoxic depolarization is avoided. Specific adaptations by which the brains of the anoxia-tolerant organisms survive include a reduction in membrane ion permeability (channel arrest) (Bickler et al., 2002), the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters such as GABA and alanine , and protection against the uncontrolled release of such excitotoxic compounds as glutamate and dopamine (Milton and Lutz, 1998;Milton et al., 2002).Some frog species (Rana temporaria, Rana pipiens) demonstrate an intermediate anoxia tolerance, their brains able to survive 4-5·h without oxygen at room temperature (Knickerbocker and Lutz, 2001;Lutz and Reiners, 1997) and at least 30·h without oxygen at 5°C (Hermes-Lima and Storey, 1996). This tolerance to anoxia appears to be accomplished through an overall metabolic depression, primarily via hypoperfusion of the skeletal muscle , which allows the frog to maintain ATP levels in certain organ systems. However, unlike truly anoxia-tolerant vertebrates, the frog brain does not defend ATP levels, and when energy stores reach a critical low, (approximately 35% of normoxic levels), ion homeostatic mechanisms are compromised and extracellular K + levels While frogs such as Rana temporaria are known to withstand 4-5·h anoxia at room temperature, little is known about the neurological adaptations that permit this. Previous research has shown that changes in neuroactive compounds such as glutamate and dopamine in anoxia-sensitive (mammalian) brains follow a strikingly different pattern than is observed in truly anoxia-tolerant vertebrates such as the freshwater turtle. The present study measured changes in the levels of whole brain and extracellular amino acids, and extracellular dopamine, in the normoxic and 3-4·h anoxic frog Rana pipiens, in order to determine whether their neurotransmitter responses resemble the anoxia-vu...