Radio wave coverage in open-confined mixed space along the railway is studied in this paper. The space along the railway can be classified into three kinds of spaces, that are, open space, confined space and the open-confined mixed space. The open-confined mixed space locates between the open space and confined space. In order to reveal the radio wave coverage mechanism in the open-confined mixed space and find out the important influence factors, the influence of antenna gain, antenna position, tunnel crosssection shape, and beam angle on the radio wave coverage in the open-confined mixed space are studied. Considering the complexity of environment, the radio wave coverage is modeled by finite difference time domain method. The simulation results show that the radio wave coverage is sensitive to the beam angle of transmitting antenna. And the variation law of radio wave coverage with the beam angle shows a certain correlation with the transmitting antenna position and tunnel cross-section shape. 11 12 157 utilizes a one-cell overlap region to exchange the information 158 between adjacent sub-domains. In the algorithm, only the 159 tangential magnetic fields are exchanged at each timestep. 160 B. MODELING OF OPEN-CONFINED MIXED AREA 161 In this paper, the Yagi-Uda antenna is placed along x-axis 162 in open space. The fine mesh numbers for simulating the 163 antenna region are 300 × 200 × 300 cells, and the equivalent 164 surface for output the tangential field component occupy 46, 165 31 and 46 coarse cells in x, y, and z directions, respectively. 166 For the total simulation environment, there are 1064 × 224 167 × 200 coarse mesh cells, which contain a 10-meter-long 168 open area and a 25-meter-long tunnel. Two tunnels with 169 different cross-sectional shapes are considered, namely rect-170 angular tunnel and arched tunnel. The specific dimensions