We found that the ability to develop genetic competence of a certain relaxed (relA) aspartate-auxotrophic strain of Bacillus subtilis is significantly lower than that of the isogenic stringent (relA ؉ ) strain. Transcriptional fusion analysis utilizing a lacZ reporter gene indicated that the amount of the ComK protein, known as the key protein for competence development, is greatly reduced in the relaxed strain than in the stringent strain. We also found that the addition of decoyinine, a GMP synthetase inhibitor, induces expression of a competence gene (comG) in the relaxed strain, accompanied by a pronounced decrease in the level of intracellular GTP as measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. The transformation efficiency of the relaxed strain increased 100-fold when decoyinine was added at t0 (the transition point between exponential to stationary growth phase). Conversely, supplementation of guanosine together with decoyinine completely abolished the observed effect of adding decoyinine on competence development. Furthermore, the impaired ability of the relaxed strain for competence development was completely restored by disrupting the codY gene, which is known to negatively control comK expression. Our results indicate that the RelA protein plays an essential role in the induction of competence development at least under certain physiological conditions by reducing the level of intracellular GTP and overcoming CodY-mediated regulation.When Bacillus subtilis cells encounter adverse nutrient conditions, cells start to approach the stationary growth phase by initiating several development processes that contribute to its survival. Of these processes, genetic competence and sporulation have been studied in great detail. Genetic competence is a physiological state that enables cells to incorporate exogenous DNA, which is then incorporated into the endogenous DNA by crossing over. Competence development is tightly controlled by a complex regulatory network involving kinases, phosphatases, and transcriptional regulators (4). The most critical regulator is a transcriptional factor named ComK, which has been shown to be necessary for inducing the late competence genes such as comG (27,28). It has been demonstrated that the cellular level of ComK is precisely controlled by several regulatory proteins at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels (2,5,6,25,26). During the exponential growth phase, ComK activity is inhibited by a complex of two proteins, MecA and ClpC (10, 26). The ComS protein, which is encoded by the srfA operon and is synthesized in response to quorum-sensing oligopeptide pheromones (13, 23), releases cells from ComK inhibition by dissociating the ternary complex with MecA and ClpC (25). In addition, Serror and Sonenshein (21) demonstrated that CodY, which is a global regulator for stationary-phase genes, directly binds to the srfA and comK promoter region. Thus, it is highly likely that CodY acts as a negative regulator for competence genes.One of the most important adaptation s...