The rate of gastric (or stomach) emptying following a meal has important implications for health, including satiety and blood glucose regulation, which relate to obesity and diabetes, and the development of new drug delivery systems. This process is driven by the pressure gradient between the stomach and the duodenum, which is generated by various motility mechanisms such as tonic contraction, antral contraction waves (ACWs), and periodic opening and closing of the pyloric sphincter. Current experimental methods, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), do not accurately measure the emptying rate and all the different aspects of gastric motility simultaneously. Therefore, it remains unclear to what extent the various motility mechanisms independently regulate and affect gastric emptying rate.This study employs a Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) based computational model to investigate gastric emptying and uses the results of an MRI based experiment to calibrate the stomach-duodenum pressure gradient along with opening diameter of the pyloric sphincter. The model comprises a realistic 3D surface mesh of the stomach with all major geometric features. Motility mechanisms, such as antral contraction waves (ACWs) and a periodically opening pylorus, are simulated as prescribed deformations of the surface mesh (Figure 1). To simulate the MRI experiment, we integrated as much information about the motility patterns as possible from the MRI analysis. However, sufficient data on two critical parameters was not available: (i) the maximum opening diameter of the pylorus (Dmax), and (ii) the value of back-pressure (PD) applied in the proximal duodenum (Figure 1). Hence, these parameters were calibrated to match the experimental emptying rate, which allowed for an investigation into the interplay between these parameters and understanding of their impact on the gastric emptying rate.The simulation results show that the gastric emptying rate, characterised by emptying half time, is strongly affected by the back pressure, and less affected by the opening diameter of the pylorus. Specifically, the emptying half-time is only moderately affected by Dmax when PD is low, while the effect of Dmax is negligible when PD is high. The model-predicted emptying half-times showed the closest agreement with the estimation from Marciani et al.'s experiment when PD was set to 700 Pa and Dmax to 20 mm. Flow results (shown below) confirm the presence of flow features that are observed by other similar studies, suggesting that current results are valid. These include eddies near the ACWs along the bottom surface of the stomach during pyloric opening and strong upward currents in the same location after pyloric closure. Future extensions of the model will include dynamic solid objects in the gastric content and simulations of longer periods of emptying. Figure 1. Examples of deformed stomach mesh shapes following application of ACWs. The arrows indicate the backpressure PD applied at the duodenum and the maximum opening diameter Dmax of pylor...