Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the effect of tranexamic acid 0"A), a synthetic antifibrinolytic, on blood loss and the need for transfusion of blood products following repeat cardiac valve surgery. Methods: After ethics committee approval, 41 patients scheduled for reoperative valve replacement were enrolled in this randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study. Patients were randomized to receive TA (I 0 g in 500 ml NSaline) or placebo (NSaline) as an/v bolus over 30 rain, after anaesthesia induction and prior to skin incision. Intraoperative blood loss was assessed by estimating blood volume on drapes, weighing surgical sponges, and measuring suction bottle returns. Postoperative blood loss was measured from mediastinal chest tube drainage following surgery. Blood products were transfused according to a standardized protocol, Results: Patient demographics were similar for age, sex, cardiopulmonary bypass pump time, cross damp time, surgical time, preoperative haemoglobin, coagulation profile, and the number of valves replaced during surgery. Tranexamic acid administration reduced intraoperative blood loss [median (range)] from 1656 (575-6270) to 720 ml (355-5616) (P < 0.01) and postoperative blood loss from 1170 (180-4025) to 538 ml (135-1465) (Intent to Treat n =4 I, P < 0.01 ). The total red blood cells transfused (median, range) was reduced from 1500 (0-9300) ml to 480 (0-2850) ml (P < 0.01) in the TA group. In hospital complications and mortality rates were not reduced in the TA group.
Conclusion:Tranexamic acid reduced blood loss and the need for blood product transfusion and appears to be an effective treatment for patients undergoing reoperative cardiac valvular surgery.Objectif : l~valuer l'influence de l'acide trar~xamique (AT), un antifibrinolytique synth&ique, sur les pertes sanguines et le besoin de transfuser des produits sanguins aprEs une r~ol~ration cardiaque valvulaire. M&hodes : AprEs l'approbation du comit~ d'Ethique, 41 patients ont Et~ recrut& dans cette Etude alEatoire, en double aveugle et contr61Ee par placebo. Les patients ont EtE repartis alEatoirement pour recevoir de I'AT (I 0 g dans 500 ml de sol.phys.) ou un placebo (sol. phys,) en bolus iv en 30 rain aprEs l'induction de l'anesthEsie et avant l'incision de la peau. Les pertes sanguines peropEratoires ont EtE (~valuEes en estimant le volume sanguin perdu darts les champs Ol~ratoires, en pesant les compresses, et en mesurant le volume sanguin recueilli par aspiration,/~, la p&iode postopEratoire, le sang recueilli par les drains mEdiastinaux a Et~ mesurE. Les produits du sang ont EtE administrEs selon un protocole standardis~. lld~tdtats : Les donn~3es d~mogr-aphiques ~aient identiques pour I'~ge, le sexe, la durC~ de circulation extracorporelle, du clampage et de la chirurgie, I'h~mogtobine pn~opEratoire, le bilan de la coagulation et le hombre de valves remplac~es. I'administration d'AT a r~duit les pertes sanguines peropEratoires [m~diane (&art)] de 1665 (572--6 270) ~ 720 ml (335--5 616) (P < 0,01) et l...